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Healthcare Competitor's Report

How Does Your Practice Compare?

Get a Free Analysis of Your Practice’s Website Compared to Your Top Three Competitors.

Not only will we analyze your website in comparison to your competitors, but we'll also provide recommendations on the top three strategies to help you stand out in your industry.

Our report will provide you with a complimentary analysis of:

Your practice’s visibility in search results.

How do you show up compared to your competition?

Branded vs non-branded keywords driving traffic to your website.

HINT: You want more non-branded phrases.

Search ads running in your market.

Even if you’re not running ads, it’s ideal to understand the competitive landscape in Google.

Authority scores.

An authority score assigned to your website and your competitors by a reputable digital marketing software tool.

Best practices for patient acquisition.

Key messages and features of your website and competitor websites that are known to improve the visitor-to-patient conversion rate. 


Leveraging 20+ years of experience in growing medical practices nationwide, we will give you recommendations on patient growth and HIPAA-compliant digital marketing strategies.


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